I've been pretty caught up in the college life. Still adjusting to the new lifestyle of freedom and responsibility. Lovin' LA but missing Millbrae dearly.
In a few hours I turn 19. It is nothing special at all. 19 is just... a year after 18.. a year before 20. Where in the world did the year go? It really just felt like yesterday when I back in Millbrae having my joint birthday with my loves, tammy and tina. That was a cold day. Getting rejection letters from SD too. HAHAHA. but other then that.. it was probably the best birthday just because everyone was together. It felt like our whole senior class was at that park celebrating our birthdays. Man, I miss high school. It was horrible times but also the best of times. Not to get you wrong, I LOVE COLLEGE. but home is TRULY where the <3 is. I take home for granted. And for breaks, I still fought with my parents not used to the restriction of my freedom. BUT HOME IS REALLY JUST.. SO.. UHFSJDFH. i don't even know how to explain it.
That is why I see this birthday as so insignificant to me. I'm not celebrating it with the ones I truly love, my family. My family back in ... CLEARFIELD DR, MILLBRAE. And my family back in the SIX FIVE OH & FOH OH EIGHT! haha. NOt to get you guys wrong once again. I have met a bunch of GREAT people in college as well. Butt buddies, oppas, unnies (I have never been able to call someone unnie/oppa until college. gross.) And I thank God that I have them here with me in college because without most of them, I do not know where I would be, who I would be hanging out with, and who to rely on. But I can't help but be a bit depressed that I'm not home right now. College truly made me realize how much I miss my family, especially my brother. We've never been in a lovey dovey brother/sister relationship. But I've been hearing that my brother has been telling people that he misses me. He even told people that it was my birthday tmrw. I don't know why, but that breaks my heart. It sucks that I can't be there for him in his first year of high school.While I'm here living the life in college, my brother is adjusting to the new life of high school with completely new people and sets of friends. I JUST WANT TO BE HOME FOR MY BIRTHDAY. THAT WOULD BE THE BEST PRESENT EVER. I know that I'm going home in A WEEK. BUT, cmon.. just for that one day... I'd like to be home. SIGH FUCK FINALS.
I don't mean to get hella depressed on you guys. I'M REALLY NOT THAT DEPRESSED AND CRYING IN MY BED COUNTING THE DAYS TO GO HOME. I'm just.. taking a big SIGH... at the fact that I wish I was home on my birthday. BUT, I decided to make the best out the day I WAS BORN. 19 years... and counting... hopefully.. HAHHA ;D 19 years of being blessed with great a supportive family and the best friends I could ask for. 19 years of God by my side. 19 years well spent. <3

and another great present would be dominic in a box HAHAHAHHA ;D WAHAHAHA TEHEHEHEHA
so beautiful u are. happy birthday.
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